The “Amyloidosis Support Group of India (ASGI)” mission is a part of the Ram Dayalu Singh Sustainable Development Foundation (RDSSDF) to empower people with the knowledge and understanding of Amyloidosis for earlier detection, ensuring a better quality of life for those afflicted with the disease and to help science find the cures.

Ram Dayalu Singh Sustainable Development Foundation (RDSSDF), a beacon of hope and progress for the sustainable development of India. As a National Level Public Charitable Trust, RDSSDF is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and innovative solutions for the integrated and holistic development of various geographical locations and agricultural zones across the nation.

With a profound commitment to creating lasting positive change, RDSSDF leverages a wide-ranging network of agencies, organizations, and individuals to deliver expert and signature solutions across multiple sectors.


Amyloidosis Support Group of India (ASGI) a part of RDSSDF nonprofit was formed for the primary purpose of starting and maintaining  Amyloidosis Support Group of India (ASGI) throughout the India & Worldwide, dedicated to providing peer group support to patients, caregivers, families and friends of those touched by this life threatening disease.